High Speed

Tectrix Solutions work closely with a number of industry leading providers of Hosted IP Solutions, in order to provide our clients a wide range of both fixed and mobile capacities. These systems are facilitated through an easy to use web portal. Businesses and companies who opt for a hosted IP System can all of the functionality and features associated with a traditional PBX system, without the financial expense of installing the required infrastructure or the purchase of equipment. This means that with Hosted IP Solutions a high quality system can be installed with a reduced financial outlay, quickly and effectively.

In addition, Hosted IP Solutions provide a number of benefits when compared with traditional phone options, these benefits include:

· Rapid deployment of the Hosted IP Solution

· Hosted IP Solutions can be installed and deployed with no capital outlay

· Facilitates connectivity of multiple locations simultaneously

· Enables for mobility when connecting remote workers to the system

    How Do Hosted IP Solutions Provide Security?

    When using a Hosted IP Solution you no longer have to worry about security. This is because each of the systems we offer are delivered over a protected business grade internet connection. This connection can then be managed through your existing network. With a Hosted IP Solution members of your workforce can be easily and safely connected to remote workers and across multiple locations.

    Which Businesses Can Benefit From Hosted IP Solutions?
    For businesses who require the flexibility to connect with employees who are often working from remote locations, are frequently on the move or out of the office then a Hosted IP Solution may provide a cost effective solution for you. Equally, businesses who wish to connect multiple locations for free may also find Hosted IP Solutions to be the optimum solution.

    When using Tectrix Solutions for the provision of your Hosted IP Solution, you can rest assured that deployment will occur as quickly and as efficiently as is possible, enabling you to get on with the things which are important to your business. One way in which we do this is by providing a dedicated account manager to each of our customers.